What you want to create in your life requires your exquisite attention.
A Day-Long Urban Women's Retreat Exploring Meditation, Movement, and Creating What You Want in Your Life with Gemma Gambee & Kari Woldum
Manifestation is an art form. Our culture breeds this right-here, right-now, everything-I-want-and-more mentality. When we turn to manifest our deepest desires, we fall short in their creation because we haven’t activated the spacious attention that our dreams require.
At the intersection of movement and stillness, we cultivate the presence and patience needed to manifest differently. Using the interplay between yoga, dance, and meditation, we will build the tools that allow us to slow down, wait, and trust in the space that our intentions need to grow. Join us for this day long immersion into your deepest intentions and a new way towards your brightest manifestations.